The Do-It-Yourself Cookbook
By Kim Waldron
Galerie Thomas Henry Ross art contemporain
Montreal, 2013
ISBN : 978-2-9813724-0-6
Dépôt legal – Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2013
Dépôt legal – Bibliothèque et Archives nationales Canada, 2013
Authors: Mélanie Boucher, Kim Waldron
Editing: Claudine Hubert, Jean-Michel Ross, Emily Southwood
Translation: Oana Avasilichioaei
Technical Help: Jenn Mcintyre, Jacinthe Robillard
Printing: Blurb
This book is published by Galerie Thomas Henry Ross art contemporain on the occasion of Beautiful Creatures at Oboro, March 9 – April 13, 2013. The text by Mélanie Boucher was commissioned by Oboro for the exhibition. The artist would like to thank Jean-Michel Ross, Mélanie Boucher, François Morelli, Claudine Hubert, Anne Parisien and the entire team at Oboro for their contribution to this project.
Printed in a numbered and signed edition of 300 copies.
© Kim Waldron, Mélanie Boucher, Galerie Thomas Henry Ross art contemporain