Author Archives: KW_Adm1n

Kim Waldron Limited – 2016 to …
On July 13, 2016 I opened a company in Hong Kong, Kim Waldron Limited 金姆沃爾德倫有限公司. The address of the company is Rm. 2107, Lippo Centre Tower 2, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong. The appointed secretary of the company is Joy Enterprise Secretary Services Limited. The main product or service is Artwork.

Public Office – 2014 to 2016
During the 2015 Canadian federal election I ran as an Independent candidate in the Papineau riding. After working with self-representation for more than a decade, with this project I decided to question the role of images in contemporary politics.

Made in Québec – 2015
The project involved exporting myself to China to work for workers, framing myself as a Canadian commodity at work in a Chinese context. This gesture can be understood as a giving back of some of the time that Chinese products have saved Westerners.

Same Day – 2012
The exhibition Same Day explores the many different voices in news media that frame events and the limitations of trying to take part in a public discussion. In response to the dispute over tuition increases last spring I wrote a letter to Premier Jean Charest that I sent to six different newspapers in Canada; the Montreal Gazette chose to publish a heavily edited version of my text. In order to have my opinion published I had to accept being gazettified.

Beautiful Creatures – 2010 to 2013
In order to understand how animals are transformed into the meat that we eat, during a one-month residency at English Harbour Art Centre in Newfoundland I put myself in the shoes of the slaughterer, the butcher and the cook.

Triples – 2009
This project explores the strange and unusual sensation of introducing a third, the other, to our concept of the couple. During a three-month artist residency in Vienna, Austria I produced a series of photographs titled Triples, where I approached couples and photographed our suggested intimacy in the private context of their homes.

The Dad Tapes / The Mom Photographs: Chronology – 2007
The Dad Tapes / The Mom Photographs installation reveals the constructed nature of family snap-shots. The accompanying video, Chronology, compiles an hour of short clips that track a 30-year history of simultaneous recordings: my father’s home movies captured the before and after of my mother’s family photographs. Although the footage testifies to a particular personal history, the final work speaks more of a collective experience of families choreographing themselves for the camera.

The Dad Tapes / The Mom Photographs: Sunsets – 2007
In the second work from The Dad Tapes / The Mom Photographs, Sunsets, I similarly use my parent’s taping and photography to examine their repetitive preoccupation with capturing the “timeless” subject of the sunset. While the intention of the documents was to preserve these moments forever, both artworks underline the bittersweet sensation of loss and futility within the whole process of documentation.

Papineau All-Candidates Debate 2015 – Part 1
Documention of the debate that took place on October 5th, 2015 at Complexe William-Hingston, organized by Optica as part of the offsite program of VIVA! Art Action performance festival, video, 2 h 32 min

Papineau All-Candidates Debate 2015 – Part 2
Documention of the debate that took place on October 5th, 2015 at Complexe William-Hingston, organized by Optica as part of the offsite program of VIVA! Art Action performance festival, video, 2 h 32 min

Chronology, 2007
Two minute selection from Chronology, from the installation The Dad Tapes / The Mom Photographs, 52 minute video.

Sunsets, 2007
Three minute selection from Sunsets, from the installation The Dad Tapes / The Mom Photographs, five minute video.

Working Assumption – 2003
I asked male strangers in Paris, France to borrow their clothes and workspace in order to create photographs that evaluate my prospects as a woman in joining the workforce.